by jonathonprince

In the spirit of yesterday’s blog regarding facing your fears, I feel inspired to write more about fears.

What are the top 10 fears holding you back? Not enough what: money, education, talent, time, support, etc?

Write them down in a list, one by one. Write each sentence in full, “I am afraid of…”.

Now, before you continue, stop and do the exercise. I’ll wait…

Ok, did you do it? No? Then do it before you read on.

Ok, I trust that you did it!

Once you’ve made your list of fears, look at them, reread them and then celebrate.

This list is a list that currently defines your current comfort zone and belief systems.

Now remember some fundamentals Truth’s about reality:

You experience what you think.

The Uni-verse is abundant.

The Uni-verse will support you in fulfilling your purpose because it made you to fulfill it.

You are not a victim, but a co-creator.

If these things are true, how does your list change? What on your list just has to go, and what on your list is asking you to grow?

Challenge the story of what’s possible in your life. Go talk to people who have what you want and get their advice.

Remember what Will Smith said, “You can see how far you will go in your life by the 5 people you spend the most amount of time with.”

Who are you spending your time with? People who help you challenge your limiting beliefs or those who support you in your limits?

Raise your standards: the standards of what you expect from yourself AND those around you.

If you did the exercise, then you have a list of what’s gotta go and where you can grow.

Whatcha gonna do with it?